Saturday, March 17, 2012

Why Every Business Needs a Web Site #OnlineBizniz

business website design, Websites, Business, Online marketing, FX777, Home Business

Photo Source: "3D office business website design by, on Flickr">

Author Resource: James M. Lowe writes original articles, press releases, e-books, blogs and websites about home business opportunities. Source: - Free Articles Directory.

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Marketing work as a home business for the firm of your client may merge the company and Internet brick and mortar location together.

Do you understand this statement? Another way to say it is all Planet Earth companies need a website with article content and active email access.

One of the best ways, after having cell phones with pictures, is to connect the two with opt in e-mail. Retailers and every sort of business with many key employees use or should use this whether they are content writers or not.

Business managers, employees, coaches and consultants whose home business marketing work for that business is all Internet, or whose Internet and store location marketing are not connected are living in the antiquated, Fred Flintstone ages, by missing excellent opportunities to drive customers to both their web site and physical door.

Combining the two with email leads to more sales smoothly, faster and they can also be tracked. It saves customers financial and personal time resources and gives your business a true up to date presence.

Online and off line marketing consultants who learn to link direct email marketing campaigns, to every day correspondence, effectively will naturally find themselves with more work from more home Internet business entrepreneurs. Retailers, stock brokerages, furniture stores, accountants the list is endless need this new correspondence link.

Customers can ask questions over email links to the retailer sales floor expert or get quotes for stocks or bonds from online brokers. They can find your listed solar shingle roof supplier to have an energy producing roof installed and other unique needed information like this. The new age of niche correspondence is here.

The prime time marketing task of offering top level awareness for your clients and their traffic to their domain home page or online maps and addresses to and for their store can be done well with e-mail and web developed technology and information. No searching through hard to understand yellow page directory, and lost sales, is needed or wanted.

If your advertising work for that client involves buying a billboard you want to include the Web address. Logging on should include gathering customer information, including their email address, by offering free newsletter info that offers useful information to them. Include a coupon with the email that offers a percentage off their next purchase.

Offer a small discount on their next purchase that is given for answering ten key questions that lets you know their present and future wants and needs. You now have a great profile to shop your customers.

You want to work at marketing and making both into one, in the customer’s mind, so they unite to hone a profitable home business for yourself. Having an online catalog with good pictures will make your two business views one if you can entice your customers into shopping online and show them why they can also come to the brick store of your clients.

Include listing the hours and location of each of the physical stores of your client. Create an online program of preferred customers who get additional discount coupons online to be redeemed at all their stores or from the catalog on line.

Blockbuster has done a good job of this. Membership at Blockbuster dot com includes unlimited videos order on the Web and delivery by mail. It includes a coupon each week for a free movie at any wood and glass Blockbuster.

All your home business client storefront locations can help with online marketing work by bringing the customers to the Internet with leaflet bag stuffers when they make any purchase.

They do this by offering useful newsletters, e-books and more discount coupons online for email addresses. Serious promises must be made to avoid spam.

Printing the URL on shopping bags, receipts and business cards with useful information like calendars, first aid and sports team schedules customers will keep is effective.

If you look at the back of a Burger King, Taco Bell or some other alert retailer receipts you will see lots of, we love you and want you back, information on them.

Web addresses and email for free information addresses should be prominently displayed on delivery and service trucks as well. Have this information with catchy, short easy to remember names with a free e-book offer as well.

E-mail, e-commerce marketing does the difficult task of bringing your home business client customers, who are traveling closer to them. It also stimulates people to buy just because the business of your client exists as an online web site presence.

Few will act right away, the more useful emails they receive from the firm the more likely they are going to buy something when their pertinent need or desire arises.

It takes seven contacts to get the average sale. Careful, steady, time spaced emails get results from the customers of your clients.

Naturally your newsletter needs to be sent at least seven times to get a sale. Have stories of customer satisfaction where their needs were met in unique ways. Have employees record them on the sales floor to send to email subscribers. People like stories.

Every email should have an agitate problem that comes up, possible solution and suggested solutions. Teach your customers to think like you, with emails and e-books and they will come back to you over and over again forever.

An exciting and rewarding part of your home business marketing consulting work is statistical. Keep track of effective techniques for your client Internet and retail business.

Lastly, make it an exciting and fun business for your employees and managers to work with and involve them in it to get their help and cooperation.

E-mail and developing web sites with your physical presence client business will make them more sales and long term customers of yours.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: A freelance writer who meticulously structured and maintained blogs just for you:A LIFE SO FAR AWAYand my other blog:OFW: THIS IS MY LIFE AND STORY Thank you for your valuable time. Follow my business & writings and you'll find what life's meant to be.

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