Wednesday, August 5, 2015

CJHDevCo and Third Parties Are Contented for CA Decision #OnlineBizniz

CJHDevCo and Third Parties Are Contented for CA Decision #OnlineBizniz

The Court of Appeals (CA) decision confirms third party homeowners are buyers in good faith and not a party to the arbitration. CJHDevCo has to be paid by BCDA before they vacate, otherwise it is status quo. This is what other concerned people are expecting inside the Camp John Hay. They are really fated to experience the rigors of legal implications before this CA decision.

CJHDevCo expressed satisfaction in its interpretation that residential sub-lessors aren’t covered by the arbitration and can, presumably, stay without a separate arbitration or civil case, and that CJHDevCo cannot be made to leave before it is paid by BCDA.

The turn of events for this longest running legal case preceded more agonizing moments for the leaders than anything else happened beforehand. We could think differently about the ways in which Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and Camp John Hay Development Corporation (CJHDevCo) molded their stands ever since. Like the character of the BCDA President Arnel Casanova who made things hard for the businessmen inside the camp. Bob Sobrepena too, got the real first hand legal battle that continued until now.

The CA decision is just nominal solutions for some but it gave greater scope for CJHDevCo and third parties. The BCDA “Deed of Assignment” was a coercive action for some businessmen and only gave bad image for Arnel Casanova. His actions are not aligned for his ambitious-personal gain altogether.

The CA directed BCDA - to respect and not to disturb the various contracts of the third parties occupying the leased premises because they acquired in good faith. They are not part of CJHDevCo’s legal implications with BCDA. The Aquino Administration must mediate for this case immediately to win back investors and tourists inside the Camp Hohn Hay.

The revenue of Baguio City is needed by the city council and residents. Likewise, Mayor Domogan cited and pushed the 19 conditions from BCDA as the first move to eliminate the war between the two sides. It lowered the fire for the meantime, but people should be aware about the wrath of the BCDA President. He has the power over some contracts and authority to choose for the betterment of the camp.

Moreover, this case turned out to be interesting for some business people, and very degrading for others. But the fact remains that this is under the PPP program of President Aquino. He knew what in-store for this tourist’s place and can do positive recommendation coming from his Administration. This place is huge in nature and really need leaders to uplift the development of Camp John Hay and the scope in developing the activities that can enhance the image locally and worldwide.

The Twists And Turns Of BCDA President #OnlineBizniz

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